O irracjonalizmie kognitywnym





There are two accounts of the relation between an argument and a view. According to former, the most popular account, a view is founded on an argument which is the material base for it. According to the latter, conversely, argument is only a rationalization of the view which itself has its roots in our emotions. The second account author calls ‘cognitive irrationalism’. Next he shows two versions of this view: Pareto's and Jung's. Author also traces this concept in another sources. He concludes that also such philosophers as Russell, Freud, Petrażycki and Runzo regarded it as truth.


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Jak cytować

Remisiewicz, Łukasz. (2013). O irracjonalizmie kognitywnym. Hybris, 22(3), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.18778/1689-4286.22.06


