Suma wszystkich instynktów. Hume, nawyk i naturalizacja religii



Słowa kluczowe:

Hue, religia, nawyk, przeświadczenie, naturalizacja


The paper aims to analyze the concept of habit in Hume and its operations in two theoretical dimensions: theory of knowledge and theory of religion. Hume considers habit as an instinctual basis for all judgments (beliefs) about the external world and also about the supposed existence of the supernatural. Hume’s thought, both in the domain of epistemology and philosophy of religion can thus be viewed as naturalized, claiming that the biological, instinctual traits of human nature are responsible for our belief-forming operations. Especially, Hume’s naturalization of religion seems to be ahead of its time and his methodological approach is now being developed by many leading anthropologists, biologists and philosophers.


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Jak cytować

Sieczkowski, T. (2015). Suma wszystkich instynktów. Hume, nawyk i naturalizacja religii. Hybris, 31(4), 37–57.


