Człowiek i jego duchowość. Edyty Stein rozumienie osoby



Słowa kluczowe:

osoba, człowiek, kryteria bycia osobą, racjonalność, wolna wola, ja, indywidualność


This article discusses the concept of a person in Edith Stein’s philosophical anthropology. It is a key-concept of Stein’s early and later philosophical theories. I discuss the properties and conditions of being a person, in particular: spirituality, rationality, freedom, being an ego and the individuality of persons. Analysis is confronted with the historical beginnings of the term ‘person’. The main focus of the article is the relation between the two concepts: ‘person’ and ‘human being’. Thus, the article’s final section discusses the exclusive character of Stein’s theory of a person.


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Jak cytować

Guerrero Van Der Meijden, J. (2016). Człowiek i jego duchowość. Edyty Stein rozumienie osoby. Hybris, 35(4B), 78–96.


