Social and economic cohesion of Spain compared to eu countries in the context of “Europe 2020” strategy


  • Łukasz Piętak PAN, Instytut Nauk Ekonomicznych



regional development, economic and social cohesion, Spain


This article aims to examine the progress of economic and social cohesion in Spainin the context of  the “Europe 2020” strategy. The study is based on indicators which, according to the “Europe 2020” strategy, should be achieved till 2020. The analysis also takes into account the National Programme of Reform setting out objectives for the Spanish economy in the area of social and economic cohesion. In analyzes it was used a research method consisting of comparing the values of the indicators in Spain and in the EU. The study confirmed that in the most areas of development the Spanish economy in a more difficult situation than the EU countries.


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How to Cite

Piętak, Łukasz. (2019). Social and economic cohesion of Spain compared to eu countries in the context of “Europe 2020” strategy. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 50(1), 75–101.


