Financial aid for Eurozone countries taken in response to debt crisis
financial crisis, Eurozone, financial aid, mortgage bubbleAbstract
Crisis which began in 2007 in the United States caused problems in some Eurozone countries. Due to low interest rates and cheap credit mortgage bubble was inflated. Many international financial institutions were strongly engaged in home loans market and market of derivatives linked with mortgages, so when mortgage market in USA broke down many of those institutions lost financial stability and some of them bankrupted. Investors retreated their capital from risky instruments and several bonds and put it in more secure assets. It caused credit crunch and liquidity crunch in international financial markets, which had impact on financial situation of some European countries. Good example is Greece budget was strongly basing on cheap loans, so when liquidity crunch occurred they appeared in shadow of bankruptcy. Other countries like Ireland or Spain had problems due to their own mortgage bubbles and their budgets broke because they had to rescue financial institutions. European Union created several instruments to help those countries along with IMF, but not in all cases assistance was well used. Ireland came back to way of prosperity, but Greece is still struggling to avoid bankruptcy and their budget is way off balance. It would be better if European countries abandoned their political objectives, let Greece broke and come back to drachma to avoid endless loses and, in the long run, lower uncertainty on the market.
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