Liberalization of network sectors – theoretical aspects




monopol naturalny, energetyka, sektory sieciowe, korzyści skali, teoria wyboru publicznego, koszty utopione, subaddytywna funkcja kosztów produkcji


The paper presents selected theoretical aspects underlying liberalization processes of so-called network sectors. The author analysed thoroughly the following conceptions: the conceptions deriving from a critical evaluation of regulation mechanism (the basis of which is the public choice theory), the conception of contestable market theory and the conceptions in which arguments in favour of liberalization derive from the depletion of structural prerequisites of natural monopoly. What follows from theoretical considerations are specific conclusions for competition policy towards network sectors – separating network owner from network operators and maintaining natural monopoly only in network activity or introducing competition in other segments of network sectors (e.g. in a production or trade segment).


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How to Cite

Lech, A. (2011). Liberalization of network sectors – theoretical aspects. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 29(2), 42–52.


