Organic Agriculture and GMO an Opportunity for the Development of Polish Economy? Benefits and Risks


  • Magdalena Ciepielewska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny image/svg+xml



human nutrition, organic farming, organic food, economy, sustainable consumption


The quality of food consumed and the amount of nutrients and vitamins it contains affects health as well as physical and psychological activity of man. Therefore, it is very important that the food we consume is healthy, of full value, without growth hormones, antibiotics or heavy metals. In recent years, organic agriculture has been developing very intensively all over the world. In Poland one can also observe an increase in organic crop areas, in number of organic processing plants and certification bodies. Also, GM crops can be a great opportunity for the development of economy, but it is necessary to introduce appropriate standards and regulations governing those cultivation. The problem with GMO is that not enough tests and studies which would exclude the negative impact of consuming GM vegetables and fruits on human health have been conducted. The world is facing the growing problem of famine that GM crops could solve. However, before introducing any seeds or seedlings that were subjected to genetic modifications, we must be extremely careful and meticulously carry out any necessary tests.


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How to Cite

Ciepielewska, M. (2014). Organic Agriculture and GMO an Opportunity for the Development of Polish Economy? Benefits and Risks. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 37(4), 5–20.


