The Impact of Weather Risk on the Value of Ecosystem Services




value and valuation of ecosystem services, weather risk, agricultural industry


Natural resources provide by ecosystems are the basis of our economic activities and determine the quality of life and social cohesion. However, the way in which we organize our economies, not sufficiently taken into account the following relationship – the economy can not exist without the environment and the environment copes well without the economy. The concept of ecosystem services is one of the tools to conduct a discussion on the relationship of society from nature. It allows a concise representation of the relationship between the basic concepts of ecological and economical and the total analysis of these two subsystems. The question is: how do weather conditions affect the value of ecosystem services? Does such an analysis is feasible? The purpose of this article is a polemic on the impact of weather risk on the value of ecosystem services. What is worth emphasizing one of the most dangerous effects of climate change is progressive worsening of the quantity and strength of extreme weather events that cause losses not only purely a social and economic but also natural. In addition, the effect of climate change are not only weather anomalies but also changes the nature of the weather, which also significantly affect the value of ecosystem services. Unfortunately, because of the lack of appropriate tools to collect data on natural losses caused by extreme weather makes it is impossible to carry out analyzes of the impact of weather risk on the value of ecosystem services. At the moment is only possible theoretical polemic. The examples are given in agriculture losses caused by weather events of catastrophic and not catastrophic indicate the need to design appropriate instruments to support reporting of losses incurred.


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How to Cite

Michalak, D. (2014). The Impact of Weather Risk on the Value of Ecosystem Services. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 37(4), 37–53.


