Modifications to the scope of the term ‘ecological security’ in Poland using the example of water management




environmental security, water management


The term ‘environmental security’ is variously defined in different fields of science and policy, and in addition it has gained social circulation and popularity in everyday use. The Polish Constitution of 1997 makes public authorities responsible for ensuring environmental security. However, no legal act contains a definition of this term, which on the one hand results in a strong constitutional grounding of the concept, and on the other hand leaves a certain range of freedom in interpreting the term in practice. The purpose of this article is to analyze the approaches and the changes in the area of environmental security in Poland, based on strategic documents. The analysis is based on examples from the area of water management, and is preceded by deeper theoretical considerations related to the scope and definition of the term ‘environmental security’.


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How to Cite

Rosiek, K. (2015). Modifications to the scope of the term ‘ecological security’ in Poland using the example of water management. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 38(1), 63–76.


