Ranking of EU member states by fuel poverty


  • Izabela Szamrej-Baran Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Katedra Polityki Społeczno-Gospodarczej i Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych




fuel poverty, EU member states, ranking


Fuel poverty occurs when a household cannot afford to keep their house/flat adequately warm. Thus an energy poor household is one that cannot buy energy services at a reasonable cost. The aim of the work is to rank 27 EU member states (excluding Croatia) by global level of fuel poverty (its extent). Based on a prior research and previously chosen set of variables describing fuel poverty, a ranking was created for 2014. The results have been compared with results of a survey from 2009 based on the same methodology.


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How to Cite

Szamrej-Baran, I. (2017). Ranking of EU member states by fuel poverty. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 43(2), [79]-91. https://doi.org/10.18778/1429-3730.43.05


