Sustainable economic growth in theories and models of economic growth and development
sustainable economic growth, theories of economic growth and development, models of economic growthAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the concept of sustainable economic growth in theories and models of growth and development. The theoretical character of article decided on the choosing of research method, which is the analysis of the literature on discussed issue. In the article were used bibliography published in Polish, English and French. The first part of the article was devoted to the issue of economic growth in the history of economic thought. In his part were characterized factors determining economic growth according to classical economics and Keynesian economics. In the second part theories of socio-economic development and theories of economic growth were characterized and their division, which provide balanced and unbalanced character of growth, were done. The third part of the study was devoted to models of economic growth. In this case, the models were divided into exogenous models, which provide achieving the sustainable growth by the economy, and endogenous models, according to which, economic growth is unbalanced. In the
last part of this article it considers about other factors affecting economic development. The article ends with conclusions resulting from analyzes.
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