Energy democracy – society as the prosumer of the electricity


  • Ewelina Okraszewska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny



energy democracy, renewable energy, prosumers, society, green energy, economy


The objective of the article is to introduce a new concept of energy democracy and to show the importance of the society in developing a new green economy system, identification of barriers and benefits to develop energy democracy and to present the most promising renewable energy sources. Energy democracy is a system that allows the active participation of citizens of the country concerned, at both the stage of decision-making regarding the creation of the energy model of the economy as well as being involved in its construction, while exercising control over it. Prosuments energy brings socio-economic benefits, stimulates local development, social innovation and cooperation. Decentralized systems carry with them the possibility of dividing not only the costs but also the benefits of renewable energy. The main barrier to energy democracy is the lack of appropriate regulations that allow its free development. Moreover, according to the above article other barriers are also low society awareness about the benefits of green renewable energy sources, the lack of financial support from the government. However, consistently implemented concept of renewable energy sources and active public participation in this process can contribute to success in this field.


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How to Cite

Okraszewska, E. (2017). Energy democracy – society as the prosumer of the electricity. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 43(2), [39]-50.


