Demographic Potential and Level of Economic Development of Sub‑Regions in Poland in the Period 2004–2012
demography, taxonomic measure of development, spatial relationship, spatial trends, spatial autocorrelationAbstract
The aim of the paper is space and temporal analysis of the demographic situation in Poland in the context of the country’s economic development. In the paper the taxonomic measure of development describing the demographic situation and the measure of economic development for the 66 sub-regions (NUTS-3) based on selected diagnostic variables in the period 2004–2012 were determined. In the paper there was made the analysis of spatial distributions of designated synthetic measures within the scope of identifying spatial trends and spatial autocorrelation. The results obtained for individual years of analyzed period were compared, conclusions were formulated and directions for further research were outlined.
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Additional Files
- Table 1. Parameters evaluation and their relevance to the spatial trend models of the first degree of TMR in the years 2004-2012 (Język polski)
- Table 2. Results of testing spatial autocorrelation TMR_D in the years 2004-2012 on the assumption randomization of the trend models residuals (Język polski)
- Figure 1. Moran graphs for TMR_D in 2004 for residuals of models (left graph for figure 1) (Język polski)
- Figure 2. Belonging sub-regions to a quadrants of Moran chart for autocorrelation TMR_D in 2012 (right map for figure 2) (Język polski)
- Table 3. Results of testing spatial autocorrelation TMR_R in the years 2004 to 2012 on the assumption of randomization to the actual data (Język polski)
- Figure 3. Moran Graph for TMR_R in 2004 (left map for figure 3) (Język polski)
- Figure 4. Belonging sub-regions to quadrants of Moran graph for autocorrelation TMR_R in 2004 (left map of figure 4) (Język polski)
- Figure 1. Moran graphs for TMR_D in 2012 for residuals of models (right graph for figure 1) (Język polski)
- Figure 3. Moran Graph for TMR_R in 2012 (right map for figure 3) (Język polski)
- (Język polski)
- Figure 2. Belonging sub-regions to a quadrants of Moran chart for autocorrelation TMR_D in 2004 (left map for figure 2) (Język polski)