The Potential of Personality Tests in the Candidate Selection Process: A Critical Analysis Using Argument Mapping




psychological testing, personality tests, validity, selection methods, argument mapping


Psychological testing – including personality tests – is one of the methods used by contemporary organisations for selection of candidates. This article provides a systematic analysis of arguments concerning the validity of this selection method using the argument mapping technique. The study highlights doubts regarding the validity of assessing a candidate’s potential on the basis of such tests due to the significant potential for result manipulation by the candidate. The primary conclusion drawn from this analysis is that personality tests should only be used as a complementary instrument alongside other selection techniques. Test‑based assessment methods should be used optionally, while adhering to appropriate standards for conducting such tests. The study also suggests a shift away from self‑report tests and entrusting their execution and interpretation to individuals with relevant qualifications.


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How to Cite

Zawadzki, K., & Wojdyło, M. (2023). The Potential of Personality Tests in the Candidate Selection Process: A Critical Analysis Using Argument Mapping. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 3(364), 43–51.




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