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Basic models of protection and functioning of the Ukrainian border in modern geopolitical realities: a view from Ukraine




state border, Ukraine, Poland, EU, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, border protection, border functioning, model


In the article, the authors summarised the concept of state border security. They have suggested a wider interpretation of the border security model. They discussed modern models of border security in a theoretical context. They presented progressive models of security and functioning of Ukraine’s borders and described their features. They emphasised that the modern Ukrainian-Polish boundary represents a partially liberal model of security and functioning and it can be characterised by the operational security model. Different models of the functioning of the Ukrainian-Polish boundary (asymmetrical, selectively simplified, and symmetrical) were identified and connected with the transformational processes of the Ukrainian-Polish relations.


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How to Cite

Kotsan, N., Kopachinska, G., Vozniuk, Y., & Kotsan, R. (2022). Basic models of protection and functioning of the Ukrainian border in modern geopolitical realities: a view from Ukraine . European Spatial Research and Policy, 29(1), 79–95.


