The impact of nine social groups on socio-economic development in Eastern and Central Europe


  • Lars FUGLSANG Roskilde University Center, Department of Economics and Planning
  • John Storm PEDERSEN Roskilde University Center, Department of Economics and Planning



social processes and relations, East and Central European transformations


This papier applies stucture-actor analysis to prsent changes in Eastern and Central Europe. While stuctural analysis helps to identify broad economic potentials, the actor-oriented approach is important as method to analyse options and barries for matching these potentials at the micro level. This is especially important in the economy with fluctuations and high level of uncertainty. Based on a preliminary contextual bottom-up analysis of social groups in Eastern and Central Europe, the paper identifies nine actor groups and their resources.


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How to Cite

FUGLSANG, L., & PEDERSEN, J. S. (1995). The impact of nine social groups on socio-economic development in Eastern and Central Europe. European Spatial Research and Policy, 2(1), 63–77.


