Some methodological and theoretical problems in teaching Spanish syntax as an academic subject (SFL/ELE)




Spanish FL, syntax, teaching, methodology, theory


The article deals with some methodological and/or theoretical problems faced by teachers of syntax as an academic subject (compulsory within the Programme in Hispanic Philology in non-Hispanic countries) and resulting mainly from the obvious lack of a unified conception of Spanish syntax. As we try to demonstrate, this circumstance translates into a considerable diversity of terminology, definitions and classifications used in different manuals (and grammars) published in Spain, which in turn makes it more difficult to expound the theoretical basis of the discipline as well as to select appropriate didactic materials.


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How to Cite

Stehlík, P. (2020). Some methodological and theoretical problems in teaching Spanish syntax as an academic subject (SFL/ELE). E-Scripta Romanica, 8, 116–124.


