Mafarka il futurista as the Italian novel of the future. F.T. Marinetti and a contest by Poesia


  • Vincenzo Pernice Università IULM, Italia



Futurism, Mafarka, Marinetti, novel, Poesia


This paper aims to link the writing of F.T. Marinetti’s Mafarka il futurista with the “great contest for an unpublished italian novel” proposed by the literary magazine Poesia. The negative ending of this competition raises several aesthetic issues, similar to the ones that may have guided the father of Futurism in writing his first novel. Therefore, it is possible to confirm the precocious interest of the Italian avant-garde in the novel genre.


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How to Cite

Pernice, V. (2019). Mafarka il futurista as the Italian novel of the future. F.T. Marinetti and a contest by Poesia. E-Scripta Romanica, 7, 52–59.


