Genre hybridity in Atiq Rahimi's Syngué Sabour. Patience Stone


  • Gabriella Körömi Université Károly Eszterházy, Hongrie



Eastern tales, genre hybridity, minimalist novel, minimalist prose, orality


For Atiq Rahimi, the Afghan-born Prix Goncourt winner French-language writer, belonging to two different cultures and languages is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Therefore, it is no coincidence that all his works are based on some form of hybridity (cultural, genre, identity, language, etc.). The analysis of Rahimi’s novel titled Syngué Sabour (2008) shows that the main organising element of the text is its genre hybridity. The present study aims to investigate the contribution of this hybridity to French literature. The analysis has a double objective: firstly, it seeks to unfold the various intertwining art. forms (theatre, cinema, music) and writing modes (stage direction-like mode of writing, cinematographic mode of writing, minimalist prose) embedded in each other. Secondly, it examines in what ways the novel combines the poetic and narrative features of the Western minimalist novel with the symbolic and allegorical layers of meaning of Eastern tales. Finally, the study attempts to determine the functions of the genre hybridity resulting from the intercultural and transcultural features of the corpus and to detect the additional layers of meaning that the genre hybridity provides in the novel.


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How to Cite

Körömi, G. (2019). Genre hybridity in Atiq Rahimi’s Syngué Sabour. Patience Stone. E-Scripta Romanica, 7, 1–14.


