The particularities of paralinguistic communication based on the example of Italian culture


  • Nana Lomia Università Statale Ilia, Centro Culturale Italiano, Georgia



Nonverbal communication, kinesics code, paralinguistics, gesticulation, discourse


This article is dedicated to the research of nonverbal elements in discourse. In order to direct the process of communication correctly and in order to evaluate it adequately it is essential not only to study the verbal part of communication but also to research all components of oral or written discourse. Chief amongst these components are the paralinguistic methods. This work also deals with nonverbal elements, such as facial expression, body location, distance between speakers, movements and gestures. This elements are described in the Italian language material.


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How to Cite

Lomia, N. (2014). The particularities of paralinguistic communication based on the example of Italian culture. E-Scripta Romanica, 1, 45–53.


