The semantic and structural characteristics of French and Georgian oykonyms


  • Nino Gurgenidze Université D’État Shota Rustaveli de Batoumi, Géorgie



onomastics, toponymics, oïkonyms, false oikonyms


This article is devoted to structural-semantic research in French and Georgian languages. Every literary work determines the history of its country and nation, culture and tradition. In literary works with the use of different stylistic devices, topics, characters and historical facts are shown. Very often writers use Oïkonyms (oïkos from the Greek word meaning ‘house’ or-, ‘dwelling’) as the city’s name allows us to create a general view about a nation’s culture, art and history. Thus, Oïkonyms are the determinants of a topic and of important facts in literary works. Synchronous course of historical facts gives some meaning to the city names and their utilization in literary works creates an emotional background for the reader. In literary texts, Oïkonyms create a special effect as they cause profound and mysterious feelings. The readers’ imagination will determine the meanings of these feelings. Every writer uses the name of a city to create and to identify a concrete cognitive idea in a literary work. As a result, research into the use of Oïkonyms in the context of literary onomastics, with its variety, development and multilateral perception, is a developing field of research.


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How to Cite

Gurgenidze, N. (2014). The semantic and structural characteristics of French and Georgian oykonyms. E-Scripta Romanica, 1, 39–43.


