English neologisms on social networks: analysis of loaned verbs in spoken Polish language


  • Andrzej Napieralski Université de Łódź, Pologne




neology, sociolinguistics, social networks, loans and layers, lexicology, anglicisms


This article discusses a survey about the knowledge of neologisms related to social networks conducted among speakers of the Polish language. The goal of the survey was to show the degree of assimilation of English lexemes in the Polish language among speakers of different age, education and social level. The results from the inquiry show the situation of English words that are integrated into the Polish language. By asking about words, concerning the popular social network Facebook, such as like, post, featuring, haste, check, fake we are able to draw interesting conclusions not only regarding the integration of English neologisms in Polish but also regarding their common use by different types of speakers.


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How to Cite

Napieralski, A. (2014). English neologisms on social networks: analysis of loaned verbs in spoken Polish language. E-Scripta Romanica, 1, 17–29. https://doi.org/10.18778/2392-0718.01.03


