«The hand of God» or «the miracle of football»: religion and magic in football discourse in the Spanish press





sports discourse, interdiscourse, religion, magic, metaphor


The objective of this article is to give a panoramic view of the realization of the categories of religious discourse in the football press and in books of journalistic style dedicated to football. It is an interdisciplinary study which, in its theoretical part, provides an examination of the dialogue of the two social phenomena (religion and sport) in the language and, in its practical part, highlights the main semantic fields that evidence the presence of the discourse of religion and magic in football discourse. According to our observations, a newspaper article is full of denominations that come from the religious sphere due to the coexistence of two of them throughout history: sport, religion and language itself are all products of society. With the intention of visualizing the football spectacle, adding drama and formulating absolutes, the authors turn to magical realities and religious phenomena. The main tool for the effectuation of the phenomenon of this interdiscourse is the metaphor of the nominal, adjectival, predicative, comparative and visual character that plays the emotive, appellative and aesthetic function.


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How to Cite

Kotenko, V. (2024). «The hand of God» or «the miracle of football»: religion and magic in football discourse in the Spanish press. E-Scripta Romanica, 12, 157–174. https://doi.org/10.18778/2392-0718.12.12


