Glottonyms and linguistic awareness in Alfonso X’s prose: the cases of «Partidas» and other prose works
Partidas, Alfonso X, glottonyms, linguistics concience, Alfonso’s proseAbstract
This paper aims to examine the construction of glotonyms in the intellectual work of Alfonso X as well as the linguistic awareness which influences their construction. This examination, which is proposed here, is motivated by the exclusive presence of the glottonym lenguaje castellano in 1528 edition of Siete Partidas, the expressions en las tierras do se fabla el lenguaje de latin and lenguaje antiguo de España being present in Siete Partidas as well. The first expression is a novelty from that edition because in the manuscripts and in the printed edition of Afonso’s code there are not any cases of this expression. The second one refers to Romance languages, linguistically related to Latin, something unusual because most studies have denied the possibility that in the Middle Age, there was an awareness that related Romance languages with Latin. The third one pertains to the usage of the adjective antiguo in lenguaje antiguo de España which is proposed in this paper to be linked to Alfonso X’s imperial project. In this work, databases like OSTA—Old Spanish Textual Archive—, IA softwares like Transkribus are used as well as copies of 1528 edition of Siete Partidas and the collection of manuscripts of this Alfonso’s code.
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Funding data
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033