Diachronical preservation of a phraseological unit: tenses in indefinite constructions with gana





language change, dar, gana, construction, indefiniteness


The article deals with the verbal form in indefinite constructions with dar la gana and dar gana in Spanish. The results show that dar la gana was expanded morphologically to other tenses, while dar gana shows a decrease on its tenses in contemporary Spanish. It is concluded that the first one was fixed on indefinite constructions unlike the latter. The results also show an alternation between de indicative and the subjunctive moods. It is explained through its association with de distinction between specific and non-specific.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Velasco D., L. (2022). Diachronical preservation of a phraseological unit: tenses in indefinite constructions with gana. E-Scripta Romanica, 10, 13–22. https://doi.org/10.18778/2392-0718.10.02


