Between Pornography and Politics. The Construction of the Power Ethos in External Pornographic Discourse: the Case of Erotic Biographies of Gay and Bisexual Porn Actors Online


  • Mateusz Białas Université de Białystok, Pologne



actor, biography, bisexuality, discourse, ethos, homosexuality, pornography


Today the language of pornography unfolds not only in sex word dictionaries or texts, but also on various web pages. Our study is based on a corpus for which we analyzed a variational material relating to the non-standard: around a hundred erotic biographies of homo- and bisexual pornstars gathered on the French-speaking site The objective of our analysis is to look at the discursive construction of the identity of X actors in order to highlight the power ethos that emerges in the discourse studied through a specific repertoire of linguistic instruments.


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How to Cite

Białas, M. (2021). Between Pornography and Politics. The Construction of the Power Ethos in External Pornographic Discourse: the Case of Erotic Biographies of Gay and Bisexual Porn Actors Online. E-Scripta Romanica, 9, 148–157.


