Shenaz Patel: Between Environmental Consciousness, Local Colour and History


  • Sonia Dosoruth Université de Maurice, Maurice



borders, environment, animal, man, history


Mauritian writer Shenaz Patel is environmentally conscious in the graphic novels La toile bleue (2010) and Le bestiaire mauricien (2016). By further co-writing Histoire de Maurice (T1 et T2) with Jocelyn Chan Low, Patel shows the importance of knowing about and delving into a nation’s history. Patel also allows local colour to express itself.

The art of convincing the reader on the above is emphasized through the graphic novels, which send a clear picture of the themes analysed. It is without difficulty that the blurred demarcations of the themes developed help to gaze through the spirit of the literary identity that comes to light.


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How to Cite

Dosoruth, S. (2021). Shenaz Patel: Between Environmental Consciousness, Local Colour and History. E-Scripta Romanica, 9, 1–13.


