Polish version of the burnout clinical subtype questionnaire (BCSQ-12)
burnout, subtypes of burnout, engagement, teachers, BCSQ-12Abstract
The Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BCSQ-12) by Montero-Marín is a tool that measures overload, lack of development, and neglect. According to the authors, their severity allows us to distinguish three subtypes of burnout: frenetic, underchallenged, and worn-out.
Since the work of a teacher is one of the professions more exposed to burnout, the Polish translation of the BCSQ-12 presented in the article was validated in research conducted among primary and secondary school teachers (N = 1,722). The results allowed us to conclude that the Polish version of the BCSQ-12 reflects the three-factor structure of the original and has satisfactory psychometric properties. Convergent validity was satisfactorily confirmed by correlations with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). However, it was noticed that two items of the translated tool showed a slightly weaker relationship with the remaining items of the scale. Despite this weakness, the Polish version of BCSQ-12 meets basic psychometric criteria and may be a valuable tool used in research on burnout.
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