Social skills and values – the role of intelligence




social skills, values, intelligence, Mensa


The study analyzed whether intelligence differentiates social competences (in self-reports and peer assessments), value importance, and the relationship between values and social skills. 56 members of Polish Mensa and 57 people from the control group completed on-line the PVQ-RR (values) and the PROKOS (skills) questionnaires. Their skills were also assessed on-line by their friends using a modified version of the PROKOS. Mensa members rated their cooperative skills lower and tended to rate societal skills lower and assertive skills higher than the control group, but there were no differences in peer assessments. Among Mensa members self-assessments of skills (besides social and assertive) were lower than peer assessments. Mensa members significantly less identified with universal values and valued social values lower than the control group. In the control group, the self-rated competences were associated with Social-Focused and Self-Focused values. Among Mensa members, values did not correlate with self-rated social skills.


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How to Cite

Rybałtowska, A., & Zalewska, A. (2022). Social skills and values – the role of intelligence. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (23), 73–89.


