

The editorial board of the scientific journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica cordially invites submissions for the next issue.


Thematic range:

Authors are invited to submit articles about Russian-language literature, East Slavic culture and translation studies. We are particularly interested in studies on the relationship between Russian-language literature and other literary traditions, translation studies, and papers analysing the role of culture and literature in a global context. We also accept interdisciplinary research restricted to the subjects listed above.

In addition to scholarly articles, we accept reviews of academic monographs and reports relevant to the thematic scope of the journal.

Deadline for subbmissions: 31 August 204

Detailed information and guidelines for authors are available at:

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica is indexed in leading academic databases, ensuring wide accessibility and visibility of articles. We hope that publication in our journal will contribute to the further development of literary research and attract the attention of a broad academic audience.