A poet in front of the statue (about an example of sculptural ekphrasis by Aleksandr Kushner)





sculptural ekphfrasis, statue, stoicism, poetry, Aleksandr Kushner


The article discusses various representations of the forms of poetic description of sculptures in the lyrics of Aleksandr Kushner. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the poem “Pered luchshey v mire konnoy statuyey…” (2008). The specificity and functions of sculptural ekphrasis are revealed. The cultural and historical paradigm of the poetic image of equestrian statues presented in the work are being reconstructed. It reveals not only explicit allusions to the monuments, but also implicit reminiscences, referring to the philosophy of the Roman Stoics (including Marcus Aurelius). It is concluded that the ekphrasis of sculpture is not only an element of the artistic space, but also the most important structural and semantic unit of the text; it not only ensures the internal integrity of the poem, but also intensifies its philosophical component.


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How to Cite

Sadzińska, E. (2020). A poet in front of the statue (about an example of sculptural ekphrasis by Aleksandr Kushner). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica, (13), 131–140. https://doi.org/10.18778/1427-9681.13.12




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