

  • Paulina Matera University of Łódź, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Department of American and Media Studies
  • Dominik Mierzejewski University of Łódź, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Department of Asian Studies



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Biogram autora

Paulina Matera - University of Łódź, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Department of American and Media Studies

Paulina Matera is Associate Professor at the University of Łódź (Department of Transatlantic Studies and Mass Media, Faculty of International and Political Studies). Her research interests are in the areas of contemporary international political and economic relations, U.S. history and foreign policy. She is an author of the books about the past and current transatlantic relations: France in the Foreign Policy of the United States, The United States and Europe. Political and Economic Relations 1776–2004 (co-authored with Rafał Matera), The Impact of Economic Issues on the United States Policy toward Western Europe during the Presidency of Richard M. Nixon (1969–1974). She teaches international political relations, international security, transatlantic relations and MA Seminar on U.S. History and Politics.



Jak cytować

Matera, P., & Mierzejewski, D. (2018). Introduction. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 22(1), 5–8.