Ukraine 2014 – the End of the Second European Belle Époque


  • Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski



Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Yanukovych, Maidan revolution, European Union, NATO, appeasement, war


This article is devoted to the roots of the developments that have taken place in Ukraine since Autumn 2013 and up to the Russian invasion. It stresses the historical differences between Ukraine and Russia, presents the international milieu of Ukrainian independence in the years 1991–2013, and ends with a description of the nature of the Maidan revolution and the pan-European challenge created by the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The main thesis is that the struggle for Ukraine ends the post-Cold War epoch marked with an illusion of eternal peace in Europe and with the groundless hope for Russian imperialism to expire.


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How to Cite

Żurawski vel Grajewski, P. (2016). Ukraine 2014 – the End of the Second European Belle Époque. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 18(2), 41–61.

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