Most cited

Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe

The journal seeks to publish original comparative research, as well as results of empirical, comparative economic and social studies related to Central and Eastern European Countries.

Qualitative Sociology Review

Qualitative Sociology Review is the journal of Symbolic Interactionism, Grounded Theories, Social Worlds/Arenas Studies, Action Studies, Biographical Analysis, Conversation Analysis, Collaborative Social Research, Content Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Deconstructivism, Ethnography, Ethnoscience, Ethnomethodology, Evaluation Social Research, Hermeneutics, Holistic Ethnography, Institutional Ethnography, Phenomenology, Phenomenography, Narrative Studies, Naturalistic Studies, Social Anthropology, Qualitative Case Studies and other qualitative orientations within social sciences.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica (FoE) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly publishing online original theoretical and empirical articles as well as policy-related and review articles covering all the disciplines of economic sciences or related to them.

European Spatial Research and Policy

European Spatial Research and Policy is an international review concerned with the problems of social and economic space organisation at a local, regional and supranational level. The journal comprising both theoretical and empirical aspects of spatial analyses is aimed at academics, policy-makers and practitioners interested in a broad range of spatial development in contemporary Europe. The scope of the journal is defined by the concepts of space, environment, society and economy rather than by names of specific disciplines. Its main areas of interest include i.a. regional policy, spatial planning, European integration processes, locational studies, labor market developments, foreign investments, environmental problems and other crucial issues influencing the shape of contemporary and future European space.


Turyzm/Tourism is an interdisciplinary scientific journal. It is one of the few publications in Poland intended for researchers representing a variety of disciplines and dealing with tourism issues, first of all for geographers, economists, sociologists and representatives of social sciences. The journal mostly presents the findings of the latest empirical studies on contemporary phenomena regarding a wide range of tourism, hospitality industry and recreation issues, including their local specificity and local context. The journal presents only texts which have not been published anywhere before: theoretical, research, review papers and scientific notes, containing partial findings of original empirical research, as well as reviews, reports and contributions to debates.

Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej

Przeglad Socjologii Jakosciowej is the journal of Symbolic Interactionism, Grounded Theories, Social Worlds/Arenas Studies, Action Studies, Biographical Analysis, Conversation Analysis, Collaborative Social Research, Content Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Deconstructivism, Ethnography, Ethnoscience, Ethnomethodology, Evaluation Social Research, Hermeneutics, Holistic Ethnography, Institutional Ethnography, Phenomenology, Phenomenography, Narrative Studies, Naturalistic Studies, Social Anthropology, Qualitative Case Studies and other qualitative orientations within social sciences.

Research in Language

Research in Language (RiL) is an international journal committed to publishing excellent studies in the area of linguistics and related disciplines focused on human communication. Language studies, as other scholarly disciplines, undergo two seemingly counteracting processes: the process of diversification of the field into narrow specialized domains and the process of convergence, strengthened by interdisciplinarity. It is the latter perspective that RiL editors invite for the journal, whose aim is to present language in its entirety, meshing traditional modular compartments, such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and offer a multidimensional perspective which exposes varied but relevant aspects of language, e.g. the cognitive, the psychological, the institutional aspect, as well as the social shaping of linguistic convention and creativity.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica

The profile of the journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica covers a large spectrum of broadly understood social problems. It is the editors’ intention to publish the papers which are the effect of the original empirical research both team and individual. We are open to different theoretical and methodological paradigms. Herewith we want to publish the articles embracing humanistic and social studies. We look forward the papers which refer both to classical and contemporary sociological thought and cover all its subdisciplines. We also find it important to present works undertaking the problems which combine sociology with other disciplines such as anthropology, ethnology, political science, psychosociology, demography, management science.

Anthropological Review

Anthropological Review is an established peer-reviewed journal promoting an interdisciplinary view of the human being. The journal provides a forum for the presentation of research studies, meta-analyses, scholarly reviews and articles devoted to issues in physical anthropolog.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Ksztalcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców

The journal is aimed at disseminating humanistic research from the field of Polish didactics: it publishes works concerning various issues connected with teaching Polish as a foreign and second language, also in comparison with teaching other languages. The papers which are published in Ksztalcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców depict problems with teaching Polish as a foreign language from the perspective of, for instance, linguistics, pedagogy, communication studies, cultural studies, psychology, psycholinguistics or sociology. Papers are directed at specialists teaching Polish as a foreign/second language at home and abroad as well as researchers interested in the topic of didactics.

Kwartalnik Prawa Podatkowego

The Tax Law Quarterly is a scientific journal concerning national, international and European Union tax law. In the Tax Law Quarterly there are published mainly scientific articles regarding tax law and tax science. Besides, there are published reviews, reports on conferences and materials regarding tax law such as the Centre of Tax Documentation and Studies Reports about the state of polish tax law. Studies are prepared by famous and highly-regarded authors – both Polish and foreign – mainly from academic circles.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Litteraria Polonica Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica contains studies of literature, literary theory, methodology and journalism. Independently of the periodical, individual books are published within the framework of Folia. The periodical is issued as a semi-annual.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Geographica Physica Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica has been published by the Lodz University Press since 1997. The thematic scope of the published works is in the field of Earth and environmental sciences, and in particular includes: geomorphology, geoecology, geology and palaeogeography of the Quaternary, meteorology and climatology, environmental protection and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in environmental research. The studied natural phenomena and objects are presented in various time and spatial ranges - from global to interesting local examples. Sometimes the issues of socio-economic geography are taken into account. The journal is dedicated in particular to young researchers. Scientific papers are printed in Polish with an English summary or in English with a Polish summary.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica makes part of a set of scientific journals of the University of Lodz. The first volume thereof was published in 1981. Editing of Folia Linguistica was assumed from the very beginning by the staff of two departments of the Polish language studies: the Chair of Polish Language History and the Chair of Contemporary Polish Language. For many years the editor-in-chief of the journal was professor Marek Cybulski. The journal is an annual.

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica is the journal issued by Lodz University Press and University of Lodz Institute of Psychology. The periodical is published yearly and is freely available in Open Access. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica aims to present and popularize research in various fields of psychology: general, cognitive, health, clinical, family, work, organisational, career guidance, and advertising.