Zagadnienia holizmu w kontekście relacjonizmu i strukturalizmu



Słowa kluczowe:

nielokalności grawitacyjne, ogólna teoria względności, relacjonizm, strukturalizm, czasoprzestrze, holizm


Two positions in which the mode of existence of Spacetime is considered are reconstructed — relationism and structuralism (I discuss the version of structuralism one can find in the so-called Ontic Structural Realism). I present and describe the notion of gravitational nonlocalities, at which one arrives through the difficulties with formulating laws of energy conservation in General Relativity. I state and try to defend a thesis, that the above difficulty may rise two different „weak” holisms on the ground of each mentioned position.


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Jak cytować

Luty, D. (2016). Zagadnienia holizmu w kontekście relacjonizmu i strukturalizmu. Hybris, 35(4B), 146–166.


