Cyberculture’s virtual habitus
Cyberculture is not only a technologically disembodied information sphere but also a contemporary dominant form of culture. This thesis is presented by arguing that cyberculture forms virtual habitus that is highly unconscious for its users. At the same time, virtual habitus functions as a technology that gathers information about its users. It can be said that it also learns about the preferences of its users. This is established by a set of algorithms that are highly interconnected at a certain level, one to which users of cyberculture do not have any access. The article examines the consequences of functioning of humans in this kind of technologically mediated culture. There is a connection between virtual habitus (mostly unconscious) and antropotechnics (mostly conscious) – this intersection within cyberculture is presented as a basic mechanism that governs the being of its users. There article also features interpretations of ways of creating virtual habitus and their growing importance within contemporary society. In the conclusion, there is disputed a necessary role of philosophy in deconstructing the automatic character of cyberculture.
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