Ecological and Economic Development of Agriculture in Ukraine


  • Yurii Lopatynskyi Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Economics and Human Resource Management
  • Viktor Meglei Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Faculty of Economics, Department



ecological and economic development, agrarian sector, ecological motivation


The conditions for ecological safety and economic growth of Ukrainian agrarian complex are analyzed, as well as the factors effecting on present-day state of agrarian sector are considered and ecological components in a system of Ukrainian agriculture are assessed. Effects of state regulation on ecological and economic development of domestic agrarian sector are characterized. Perspective ways to help solve strategic agrarian tasks include involvement of organizational and economic levers to be the mechanisms for uniform development of various sub-sectors of agrarian economy; introduction of modern integrative logistic-type agrarian associations; betterment of agricultural products’ sales conditions; expansion of sales network on the basis of agrarian market’s improved infrastructure, etc; indisputable support of innovative technologies in the process of production; consideration of ecological and economic factors in conditions of increased use of renewable resources; re-utilization of wastes of agricultural production.


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How to Cite

Lopatynskyi, Y., & Meglei, V. (2018). Ecological and Economic Development of Agriculture in Ukraine. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 53(4), 95–109.


