Impact of Mining and Energy Industry on Human Being Habitat – an Opportunity or a Threat? Example of Belchatow Coal Mine and Belchatow Power Plant


  • Paulina Kucharska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny



Belchatow Coal Mine, Belchatow Energy Plant, Kleszczow commune, sustainable development


The main aim of the paper is to examine the impact of mining and energy industry on human being habitat. Ambivalent attitude towards this issue will be emphasized, considered both from the point of view of environmental threats generated by the examined types of industrial activity, as well as from the perspective of financial benefits obtained within taxes and other fees. The above issue will be analyzed on the example of Kleszczow commune, where the majority of Belchatow Coal Mine is located. The territorial self-government unit collects high amounts of property taxes and fees from the Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. (PGE) and at the same time, it is a direct recipient of negative effects of mining activities, including soil and air pollution and land drainage. A survey conducted among the Kleszczow commune inhabitants makes it possible to present their attitude towards the impact of mining and energy industry on human being habitat. The research also exposes opinion of local community whether the taxes paid by the PGE are high enough and whether changes in the environment are adequately compensated financially. Moreover, the statement about the key role of local government units in building sustainable development strategies will be verified.


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How to Cite

Kucharska, P. (2018). Impact of Mining and Energy Industry on Human Being Habitat – an Opportunity or a Threat? Example of Belchatow Coal Mine and Belchatow Power Plant. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 53(4), 65–80.


