Incoherence between Polish Old-Age Pension System and Disability Pension System


  • Wiktor Błoch Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Instytut Ekonomii



old-age pension system, disability pension system, replacement rate


The aim of this article is to analyze the incoherence between the old-age pension system and disability pension system in Poland. The article consists of a preface, four sections and summary. The first two sections include description of rules and characteristic features of the pension systems. The article focuses on the factors which affect the calculation of the amount of disability and old-age pensions. The third section presents two theoretical models, which show how the amount of the disability pension depends on earnings and job seniority, and then compares relative amount of the disability pension with a replacement rate existing in old-age pension system. The conclusion is that rules for calculating the amount of the disability pensions are much more favorable. In the last section, the author presents proposals which, in his opinion, may reduce differences between the two systems and make the existing mechanisms fairer.


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How to Cite

Błoch, W. (2018). Incoherence between Polish Old-Age Pension System and Disability Pension System. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 53(4), 27–39.


