The employees’ age structure economic growth


  • Bartłomiej Pawlak Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny



work productivity, aging of the population, working people age structure, demography, economic growth


Aging of employees is a huge and global problem in times of low birth rate. Because of decreasing number of births and extending lifetime of Polish populations this problem also applies to the Polish economy. One of the economic consequences of aging is extended time of work activity for older people. For this reason the main goal of the article was to examine the direction and influence of changes in the employees’ age structure on economic growth measured by labor productivity (presented as the dynamics of real Gross Domestic Product per employee). The results of the empirical study contained in the article shows that the highest productivity of employees falls on the age of 40. It was also found that there is an optimal value for the age diversity of employees, in which labor productivity is the highest. On the basis of the obtained results, conclusions regarding the Polish economy were presented.


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How to Cite

Pawlak, B. (2019). The employees’ age structure economic growth. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 51(2), 21–38.


