Relation between work efficiency and labor cost in Poland
labor costs, unit labor costs, work efficiencyAbstract
The basic goal of this document is to research the changes in work efficiency level, as well as labor costs and evaluation of their relation in Poland in comparison to other EU countries. Research period embraced the years 2000–2016. Desired research objective was achieved with the use of review of the literature method, deduction, description and simple statistical and visualization technics (Eurostat, GUS). The analysis of changes and proportions between unit labor costs and labor productivity is essential element of labor market researches. Sustainable and monochromic growth of both factors is important if competitiveness’s improvement ought to be due to technology development not to low-wages politic. Polish production is based on low and middle technology, and until now low labor costs. This system can turn out negative and embed unfavorable economy structure. The level of unit labor costs in Poland in comparison to European Union is low, so as the level of work productivity is. On the other hand the pace of labor productivity is high. Until now the pace of wage growth was lower than labor efficiency, and the balance between two variables was kept.
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