Managing urban logistics for disabilities on the example of Czestochowa
disabled, management, urban logistics, CzestochowaAbstract
Adapting the city to the needs of people with disabilities is a challenge of present times. Cities, in order to meet the needs of this group of people, create local development programs that address their needs. Częstochowa in the years 2014–2020, these actions are implemented within the framework of the Action Program for Disabled Persons, “CZESTOCHOWA FOR THE DISABLED PEOPLE”. This program is aimed at the disabled and their families. It is also socially important because of the growing number of seniors. The aim of this paper is to present the social policy of the city of Czestochowa to people with disabilities. The article was prepared on the basis of literature studies in the field of management, organization and planning of social activities in administrative units and statistical data from the public administration in Czestochowa.
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