Technical and economic analysis of the possibilities of using photovoltaic panels on motor yachts


  • Jan Popiński Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Wydział Przyrodniczo-Technologiczny, Koło Naukowe SKN „BioEnergia”
  • Arkadiusz Dyjakon Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Instytut Inżynierii Rolniczej, Zakład Niskoemisyjnych Źródeł Energii i Gospodarki Odpadami



renewable energy, PV panels, motor yacht, technical and economic analysis


Tourist motor yachts are equipped with a large number of daily appliances, which require electricity. In order to reduce the need to recharge the batteries in the harbour and to relieve the stationary motor from work, a photovoltaic installation can be used to obtain full or partial energy self‑sufficiency. This solution reduces the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and is in line with a sustainable development strategy and the use of local energy potential. The aim of the study is the technical and economic analysis of the use of photovoltaic systems on a motor yacht. On the basis of the energy requirements of the equipment of the yacht, the required PV nominal power is determined as well as relevant components and the energy storage system are selected. A simple pay‑back time index (SPBT) was used as a static criterion of the return of investment including the cost of the installation and the profits in form of avoided costs. Taking into account the defined assumptions, the value of the indicator ranged from 1 to about 2,5 years. An analysis of the sensitivity of selected factors affecting the return period of expenditure was also performed.


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How to Cite

Popiński, J., & Dyjakon, A. (2018). Technical and economic analysis of the possibilities of using photovoltaic panels on motor yachts. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 48(3), [43]-56.


