Revitalization and shaping nodal places of the inner‑city space structure – Krakow examples


  • Daniel Ogrodnik Politechnika Krakowska, Wydział Architektury, Instytut Projektowania Miast i Regionów



spatial structure, inner‑city, public space, nodal places


In his research the author focuses on the processes of polycentric development of metropolitan structures, in particular the inner‑city areas. Proposition of interpretation method of these changes is to look at the spatial structure of the city center through the prism of nodal places. These places have a high potential for focusing the activities and development as well as generating the spatial and virtual relationships with other foci of activities. Their uniqueness is defined by a numer of attributes such as: transportation accessibility, functional links, spatial values. Nodal places crystallize the construction of the inner‑city spatial structure and play strategic role in the revitalization of this space. Particular potential for catalysis of these processes carry the projects developing mobility hubs which are the urban configurations supporting the integration of travel spaces with the urban fabric. The author investigates planning and development impact on the strengthening and crystallization of the inner‑city spatial structure with the particular emphasis on the urbanity creation. The issues were illustrated with the review of Krakow examples and the synthesis of observed phenomena and trends. In summary specific guidance and planning assumptions as well as general thesis on the revitalization role in the formation of inner‑city polycentric structures were articulated.


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How to Cite

Ogrodnik, D. (2018). Revitalization and shaping nodal places of the inner‑city space structure – Krakow examples. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 48(3), [31]-42.


