Performance evaluation of green supply chain management


  • Tomasz Surmacz Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Wydział Ekonomii, Katedra Marketingu i Przedsiębiorczości



Supply Chain Management, Green Supply Chain Management, performance, Green SCOR, Green BSC


Only what is measured can be managed properly. And the measurement process should serve a continuous improvement of companies and whole supply chains. Data from the performance measurement system should cause an increase of cooperation and help in taking right decisions about changes at the operational level, and on the other hand, are an important information when redefining strategies. This will allow for the development of the supply chain based on knowledge, in which the scope of cooperation is literally unlimited (including green aspects). There are two basic approaches to measuring the performance of supply chains: a comprehensive measurement that measures the results of the entire chain (which can be divided into individual tiers and levels) and partial measurement when we measure only certain aspects. Often, in practice, only measurement of separately operating companies is practiced by companies, not throughout chains. And the problem is even more evident when it comes to measuring performance of green activities in integrated supply chains. The paper presents the possibilities of evaluation of GSCM performance. The major challenges and obstacles are presented and assessed.


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How to Cite

Surmacz, T. (2017). Performance evaluation of green supply chain management. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 46(1), [73]-83.


