Spatial data concerning green areas in the city centre of Lodz as an element of support for revitalization processes
spatial planning, revitalization, green spaces, evidence based spatial planningAbstract
The aim of the article is to identify the problems associated with maintaining and developing green areas in the city centre of Lodz (the Śródmieście district), identified on the basis of spatial data. The main tool of this process is the use of cluster maps, which was carried out using QGIS software. The article is based on research conducted with support of the softGIS method, which is well-known in spatial planning. On the basis of the defined problems an analysis is carried out of data obtained from the study “Count on green”, which shows greenery issues in the city of Lodz. The analysis was integrated with spatial data from Lodz Geodesy Centre, using the classification of green areas of the Central Statistical Office of Poland and spatial data from the Geodesic and Cartographic Documentation Centre. The key result of this empirical study is the spatial presentation of places where greenery is neglected; places where greenery is poorly arranged; and places which lack greenery in the city centre (Śródmieście) of Lodz. This study shows the connection between the softGIS method and public participation in greenery planning, which is associated with revitalization processes. The survey also helped demonstrate the utility of spatial data in decision-making processes, which lends credence to the decisions undertaken.
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