Krzysztof B. Matusiak - research of innovation and entrepreneurship




innovation, entrepreneurship, innovation policy enterprise


The essay shows scientific achievements Krzysztof B. Matusiak employee of the lnstitute of Economics of the University of Lodz. He received Master of Science degree in 1988 and in the same year joined the Faculty of Economics at the University of Lodz. Becoming a part of the academic circle of economists was a source of inspiration for him to broaden his knowledge about innovations. Simultaneously with completing his PhD thesis in 1994, he started to devote his time to the activity of the Polish Business and lnnovation Centers Association. He had founded it with a group of enthusiasts in order to create an experience exchange platform. Not only did he author and co-author over 140 publications, but he was also the initiator and editor of a dictionary of innovation and technology transfer terms. The dictionary has become a methodological basis in the field of innovation studies. ln recognition of his academic achievements he received in 2012 professorship at the University of Łodz in 2012.


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Pełny wykaz publikacji K. B Matusiaka zawarty jest w monografii J. Guliński, M. Mażewska (red.) Krzysztof B. Matusiak, idee i pasje, SOOTPP, Poznań, 2013
Google Scholar



How to Cite

Cieślik, J., & Stawasz, E. (2013). Krzysztof B. Matusiak - research of innovation and entrepreneurship. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 33(2), 5–23.


