Natural Resources as a Factor of Social and Economic Development


  • Kazimierz Górka Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, Kraków, Katedra Polityki Przemysłowej i Ekologicznej image/svg+xml



natural resources, week and strong sustainability, crisis of exploitation, crisis of supply, ecological footprint


The paper presents a discussion on the natural resources and the conditions of their exploitation in time of scarcity of certain resources and the renewable character of others. In particular, the paper focuses on the interconnection of the economy and the environment with the application of formulae describing relationships between the primary and secondary resources, waste and consumption. Further on, the author proceeds with the presentation of the impact made by the limited resources on social and economic development along the weak and strong sustainability of development approach, making a distinction between the crisis of exploitation and the crisis of supply. In the analysis, the author used various statistical data on the production of major resources and power generation in the world, and the use of primary energy carriers in Poland.


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How to Cite

Górka, K. (2014). Natural Resources as a Factor of Social and Economic Development. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 36(3), 35–51.


