Renewable Energy Sources – a Mainstay of the City of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia Sustainable Development „M” Model Implementation
environmental management, sustainable development, renewable energy sources, low-carbon city, low-emission cityAbstract
The European Union Strategy 2020, requirements on increasing production of electricity, heat and cooling from renewable energy sources by 15% and constant environment quality improvement are a big challenge both for the City of Wroclaw and the Lower Silesia Region and for the whole Country. The author presents The City of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia Region Sustainable Development „M”Model, which is a new concept including harmonized actions aimed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and investments in renewable energy sources (RES). Developing a multi-dimensional, dynamic Sustainable Development „M” Model is a complex process, characterized by an individual approach. Activities to be taken include, among others, drawing up the energy balance of the city, natural and social resources balance, energy, cultural and spatial diversification and the use of landscape benefits of the area, in the search of optimal pro-environmental solutions and RES use.
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