The natural determinants in the spatial policy of communes on the area of the masurian lake distric region


  • Dariusz Łaguna Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Katedra Ekonomiki Przestrzennej i Środowiskowej image/svg+xml



spatial policy, nature conservation, investments


The Masurian Lake District is a popular general term referring to an area characterized by a unique nature beauty associated with the existence of many lakes. It is a popular tourist area in Poland. The above mentioned area includes 12 local community districts (communes) and stretches from the small Brzozolasek Lake near the city of Pisz, through the cities of Mikołajki and Giżycko to Węgorzewo on the northern coast of the Mamry Lake. Substantial parts of this area are under legal forms of protection and conservation. This is of major importance to from the point of view of formulating basic aims of spatial policy at the local (commune) level. The legal forms of nature conservation, which overlap each other , very often considerably limit the investment possibilities in the cities located in the Masurian Lake District. Even undertakings involved in tourism, which because of the potential of the area should be treated as priority undertakings in spatial policy, find themselves substantially constrained by the primacy given to the aims of nature conservation. The collection of rich research material gathered during the author’s study of the conditions and directions of spatial management for Mikołajki commune enabled him to make a critical assessment with respect to the possibilities offered to local communities for their development, and the impact of natural conditions and accompanying obligations on the formulation of spatial policy at the local self-government level. This article presents an attempt to answer the following two questions: Is it possible to develop an effective spatial policy in a commune located in an area which is under substantial legal obligations to preserve and protect natural spaces located therein, without clashing with aims of the nature conservation?; Is nature conservation a factor which supports or inhibits development from the point of view of the developmental aims of a local society?


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How to Cite

Łaguna, D. (2015). The natural determinants in the spatial policy of communes on the area of the masurian lake distric region. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 38(1), 47–61.


